TCA Aircraft Testing Department. Jet/ turboprop/ large prop aircraft test report: (v3.2) Date of Report: July 24,2001 Tested by: Philip M. Wafer TCA#2302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: TDM PC12 v3.2 b) Aircraft registration: PJ-TGG c) Aircraft filename: TDM-PC12-FS2KPRO.ZIP d) Aircraft *.AIR file date: PC12.AIR June 20, 2001 20:14 e) Aircraft *.MDL file date: TDM-PC12.MDL June 28, 2001 20:20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) *** TAKE OFF PARAMETERS 1) Take-off distance: 300m 2) Rotation speed (Vr): (max fuel) KIAS. a) Educated guess: b) Calculated: 84.5 kIAS 3) Climb schedule: TRQ set to 36. to 5000 feet = 120 kIAS / 3000 fpm 5 - 15000 feet = 160 kIAS / 2000 fpm 15 - 20000 feet = 160 kIAS / 1500 fpm 20 - 29000 feet = 160 kIAS / 1000 fpm *** CRUISE PARAMETERS 4) Endurance (range): Hi speed cruise = ~ 1600 nm Normal cruise = ~ 2000 nm Economy cruise = ~ 3000 nm 5) Overspeed clacker: 6) Speed @ 80% N1 (14.3 TRQ): as 7) 7) % N1 at recommended economic cruise speed: 130 kIAS (210 kTAS)/ FL290 = 14.3 TRQ *** LANDING PARAMETERS 8) Descent: default = 1800 fpm 9) Approach speed 30% fuel (KIAS): 85kIAS 10) Landing speed (KIAS): a) 30% fuel: 80 kIAS b) 15% fuel: 11) Landing distance: 420m *** HANDLING PARAMETERS 12) Behavior under AP: a) Speed AP. ok b) Altitude AP. ok c) Heading AP. ok d) NAV1 AP. ok e) Back course AP. ok f) Approach AP. ok g) Autoland. n/a 13) Stall speed: (KIAS) a) 100% fuel - clean - see notes, 65 knots dirty. b) 30% fuel - clean - see notes, 55 knots dirty. 14) Turns AP ON - (OK or not?) a) Level turns ok b) Climbing turns. ok c) Descending turns. ok 15) Turns AP OFF - (OK or not?) a) Level turns ok b) Climbing turns. ok c) Descending turns. ok 16) Fuel burn: a) Fuel capacity: 450 gallons a) Take-off & climb out to FL290 = 65nm/18 minutes/28 gallons b) Cruise : Hi speed = 69 gallons per hour normal = 52 gallons per hour economic = 30 gallons per hour c) Descent : FL290 to land - 26 mins/70nm/9 gallons. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: *) Hardware = P4 1.3GHz/ 256Mb RAM/ nVidia GeForce GTS2 *) OS = Windows Millenium Edition/ DX8a *) Joystick = Logitech Wingman Force 3D *) FS screen resolution used = 1280 x 1024 x 32 bit *) This aircraft was tested in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Pro. *) Used David Durst' PC12 panel v6. Also, engine settings taken from doc files included in the panel archive. *) This aircraft is a turboprop model and requires FS2K Pro to operate correctly. *) Couldn't get the aircraft to stall clean at MGTOW or 30% fuel. *) Range as tested appears to be higher than data in the docs, e.g. Checklist states normal cruise 235 knots, and readme states range FL300/232 knots = 1600nm. See my test figures above for range at normal cruise. No big deal, I suppose, as I always cruise at high speed setting. *) Easy to fly. Powerful performance, very few jets climbout this fast!! *) I'd love to have one of these in real life, but at $2,500,000 each............No chance, bud!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- © Tradewind Caribbean Airlines Aircraft Testing Department 1998-2001